Sunday, September 21, 2008

The last little while

Here's my dear sweet Andrea Fox. This post is a little belated, as she stayed the night a couple of weeks ago on her way up to school in Idaho. Man, it was so great to be with her after a year and a half of waiting!!!!! What a pleasure it was to have her presence grace our home for a little visit.

Steve's family and I went up to Park City, (while Steve was working) for the Mustang Car Show over Labor Day Weekend. Good times. We got to look around at all the sweet old and new 'stangs as well as eat lunch with the boys on Steve's crew. There they are in their GQ shot walking back to the Engine :) Above is also Ron and I posing in front of what was probably my favorite mustang.

Steve and I have had a pretty good time the days that he has had off of work lately- they are getting to be more of an occurence :) yea!!!

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