Tagged. 6 Quirks
sara, thanks for the taggy tag and the reasoning behind it. the truth is, most people are extremely quirky. i will admit though, that thinking of my quirks was rather difficult as they are truly rare and hard to come by. 6 quirky things about the both of us are as follows:
1. socks and garments. steve has this thing about his laundry. particularly his socks and garment tops. his socks must be laid together in pairs then folded in half so as to prevent break down of the the elastic at the top. Then the pair must be placed heel up in the sock drawer parellel to the rest. (interesting side note, in conversation at the fire station, he reported that 4 out of the other 5 fire men did the same thing with their socks).
2. sandwiches. in order to fully enjoy a sandwich, he believes it must be eaten "right side up". this isn't a burger from wendy's with a distinct right and wrong side of the hamburger bun. we're talking a cheese and turkey sandwich. who decided whether cheese was supposed to be on top or on bottom? i never recieved the memo.
3. straws. steve doesn't use straws because it limits the flow of the drink into only one area of his mouth. he believes the taste and refreshment should be distributed to the entirety of his mouth by drinking from the glass, not the straw.
4. toilet paper. waterfall style only.
5. his right side. whenever we cuddle or are sitting somewhere, for some reason i still don't understand (and don't think he does either), i have to be on his right side. i just do it.
6. he knows all the words to every oldie's song we ever hear on the radio. this actually reminds me of sara. it's just funny to hear young people sing oldies songs. i can appreciate that one.
1. i love popping zits and black heads, anything i can get, on Steve's face or on anyone's face for that matter. it makes me feel more clean and fresh when impurities are done away with. thanks to my mom for that one.
2. i don't like tweezing my eyebrows. but on some occassions can be found tweezing my leg hair.
3. i only have 1/2 eyelashes on one eye. the eyelash curler accidentally ate off the inner eyelashes on my right eye on halloween morning. i scared the kids in my classes when i looked at them. rah!
4. i pull out coarse hair because i think it shouldn't exist as coarse and kinked as it is. i also enjoy twisting chunks of my hair quite obsessively if i'm bored, or listening to a story and don't have anything to do with my hands. i'm sure people that have witnessed this may have worried about me.
- (k, so at this point in my quirkiness list, i'm feeling like some professional help might be benificial).
5. i'm a scaredy cat. i am still scared of the dark, never did get over that. my dad says it's because of my big imagination. i don't throw the garbage out at night, even though our trash barrells are literally right outside our side door. After i turn out my bedroom lights (when steve's gone) i race back to the bed and cover myself with blankets.
6. i don't like to refill the toilet paper roll. one of my room mates in college totally called me out on this and made fun of me after that. pure laziness. can't someone invent something that would allow people to never have to re fill the toilet paper roll? steve loves me for that one.
I hereby do tag Marci, Amy Kramy, and Michelle our Belle.
Posted by crystal
see, you're crazy! :) just kidding. i know, we're all way quirky. that's why this post is fun. everyone differs so much in the quirk area. you and i are so alike with the dark thing. i think we used to swap our scary stories and feed off each other. 'member that? :) so funny. i love your crazy hair quirk. at least you don't have a bald spot anymore! i love you. oh, and i so appreciate that steve knows oldie music so well. we should start a club. once you know the words, you never forget them!
thanks for participating in being tagged! so fun. i love your quirks. i hope lacey does it soon too. i'm thinking of making a post where i just name all of your guys'es quirks that totally crack me up. :)
Crystal's quirk #7: "trash barrels". Who says "trash barrels"? Can, bin, even receptacle. But barrel? I love it!
Thanks for the tag. I'll try not to disappoint!
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