Sunday, December 26, 2010

9 months young

This is actually a 6 month pic., but it's so dang cute, I have to show it off. Just picture him 3 months cuter, now :) jk. I forgot to mention Lucas is at 9 months now. Shoot- it's gone by so fast. Speaking of fast, here are his stats and milestones he's at.
- Eats everything except honey.
- Stands with support. A little without. Often does lunges as well.
- Likes to share his food. Offers it and expects a pretend "gobble" response.
- Can make a "babababa", "dadadada", and "mamamama" sound...and recently "esssssss"
- Has two bottom teethies and is cutting his two top ones.
- Eats fantastically....most of the time. Loves his carbs and fruit- like his momma.
-Likes to play with belly buttons, chew on noses, chins, foreheads and pull you in close by yanking your hair.
-Is a great cuddler
-Favorite game to play- chase. Song to hear- Itsy bitsy spider. Toy to play with- anything he can grasp in his hand and carry around crawling. House hold appliance- washer in motion.

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