Spiders. I feel I must blog about this, as a means to get this awful yucky image and fear out of my psyche. I will vent... about what i just experienced 10 minutes ago. This is not a big deal to most of the world, I know...but for some reason, spiders and the thought of them lurking about, with out me knowing where their little legs will carry them (across my hands, toes, the back of my neck, into my ear, etc...) REALLY FREAKS ME OUT!!!!!! Pardon the run on sentence.
I was simply putting some damp rags, I'd left on the floor overnight (mistake) into the washing machine. I put em all in. Something caught my eye. I looked down on the floor, where the pile used to be at what I thought might be an oversized raisin or something, and saw it MOVE! It's legs were too fast for me to do anything. (i'm sure, even if I had the time, my paralyzation would have kept me from doing anything about it anyway). It's dark ugly little body scurried under the washing machine... so that now he can haunt me until we encounter again. I swear I can feel him crawling on me, as I write this! BAAAH!!!
This is a problem. I am now thinking about how the washing machine is Lucas' favorite household entertainment device, an everyday mechanism I'm around for at least 10 minutes a day (lots of time for spider to make his move and not only crawl on me, but up my leg or into my hair), and that I have a pile of baby girl clothes I still need to wash with Dreft before baby comes. The thought of that spider touching me, my son, or my newborn daughter makes me want to SCREAM! and then hurt something! The spider, would be nice. I think Steve could tough it, I don't worry too much about that. Though it would still freak me out to see that monster on HIS FACE!
What if the spider has a wife/procreating partner under there?
What if he finds a way into the washing machine once the clothes are done washing, so he doesn't die?
What if he creeps out from under a knob as I'm turning it!!!!
Of all places! Why not, the sink, the toilet, even under the bed. Why does he have to be behind something that holds our clothes and is too heavy for me to move!??? I need spider killer spray!!!!!!!
Yes, I do realize in the time it's taken to write this, I could have gone to Wal mart and back to get the spray. Lucas is taking a nap though. I'm stuck here.
I'm okay with spiders when I'm in their habitat- I don't mind them at all. That doesn't mean I would ever touch them. But when they come into MY territory and threaten MY existence and well-being... that's where I draw the line!
It will die. When Steve comes home, we will hunt him down (please, hunny?). We will find him. And when we do, we (and when I saw we, I mean Steve) will stomp on his sorry little spider monster body. He will learn not to come into this house again.
Well, I think this has helped. I feel like letting you know about it, has lessened his influence in my brain. I've written this, fully realizing that some reading this, may think less of me for how psycho this all sounds, how much it seems to effect me, and that I even had the time and cared to write about something so "petty" (that's subjective, obviously). What ever. I'm wierd then. This is my blog...and I write what matters.... to me! and I HATE spiders!
Ick! I had a dream last night about super gigantic tarantulas that were the size of my torso! I'm with you on the spider phobia. Oh wait, they have a name for that, right? Arachnaphobia? Shall we watch that movie together?
oh my gosh...doesn't get much worse than that! except reality, of course! no, i don't think it would be wise to watch that movie together... unless we both were having one of those days where we were feeling silly teenagerish "let's scare the life out of ourselves for no reason and suffer for months with awful visual images" mood. If that day ever comes, I'll let you know... and maybe you'll be in the same mood. Then we'll make it happen :)
We share the same fear! One day after I got out of the shower I went to blow dry my hair. For some reason that day I didn't have the hair dryer pointing at me as I turned it on, and I'm so grateful I didn't. I turned on the hair dryer (which is pointed at the mirror) and a big juicy spider flies out. AHH! My hair drying routine has never been the same since....
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