Saturday, October 24, 2009

happenings as of lately... or not so lately...

Our Burfday parte. We are both one year older and wiser now... one can only hope.
Grizzly has been growing like a weed, and outgrowing his old puppy kennel. He enjoys life as our only child. He had his first grooming experience bout a month ago. He was much cuter with his puppy fur/hair (sara?). But it had to go.
There are 2 kinds of people in the world. Those that do triathalons, and those that prefer to babysit during triathalons. I am the latter. Widdle baby Teagan was such an easy baby to watch... I hope I get an easy one like him!

This is our nephew who we followed up to Martin's Cove to be baptized- pretty sweet location for a baptism. He was a trooper for being tough enough to be dunked in the cold river water!

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