Monday, July 26, 2010

A very merry un-birthday...

...To this 4 month old little baby cakes!

This big boy now:
-weighs a whopping 15.5 lbs. (75th percentile)
-is almost 26 inches tall (90th percentile)
-nurses like there's no tomorrow
-tried rice cereal for the first time- today :)
-has been rolling over for almost a month
-expecting teefers any day (....please...soon)
-Sleeps through the night
-completely turns pages in books
-loves having books read to him
-has an awesome head of patchy hair, with a mullet of course
-Grabs anything in sight to christen it with his slobber
-Is on a schedule :)
-Has discovered and loves the scratchy tone he can make his voice "uuuuuuuhhhhhh".
-Is just stinking cute. and stinking and cute.

(check out more awesome photography at and


Mac and Margaret said...

Awe! He is getting so big!! Super cute pictures by the way!! We need to get together soon! We have missed seeing you guys!!

Myers Family said...

Love this! Where did you get his picture taken, that is TOO CUTE!!!